God, Now I'm Saying "HA!"

Thanks to the cousin for this brilliant piece of irreverance!
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Labels: God said HA, I heart irreverance, I may be headed for Hades but at least I made you laugh, Village People references never go stale, YMCA
Labels: God said HA, I heart irreverance, I may be headed for Hades but at least I made you laugh, Village People references never go stale, YMCA
Child, I know that image, it is one of MY FAVORITES. When I saw it, I screamed, I laughed so hard. Wait, I think I peed a little, too.
Fabbylish. KICK ASS POST.
Someone sent this to me at Easter, hilarious. Thanks for the reminder!
That is so wrong...
Minutes later, all three men were hit by three separate buses at the same time.
This is b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t!! A friend of mine used to say that she may be going to hell, but "at least it's warm and all my friends will be there."
Poor Goya. Who would have thought he would start something so fabulous for so many gay men.
The dude on the far right is definitely gay. Definitely.
The "M" guy is just curious.
I want to go gallery hopping with those dudes.
I guess these guys were the last temptation of Christ.
Oh man, that's funny. I like my friends to be irreverent.
I would like to hang this in my office.
Can't believe I've never seen that one (sacrilege being a specialty of mine).
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