A Pickled Olive
Had a few minutes to kill this afternoon, so I slipped away to the wildly entertaining Coaster Punchman’s World, a virtual place where I can relax and giggle and vicariously live the hip Manhattan lifestyle. Mr. Punchman had earlier posted a nice piece about Little Miss Sunshine, and I was eager to read his response to my witty retort. Imagine my surprise when I found that Dale had (no doubt lovingly) suggested that the photo of the adorable Olive character was instead a shot of moi. Well, I’m here to prove Dale … um, damn near right.
Here’s a movie still of the Olive character:

And here’s my fourth-grade photo:
Good Lord. The nine-year-old Cup is the real-life embodiment of this year’s celluloid nerd. I’m off to drown my sorrows in Kool-Aid and Absolut.
* * * * * *
Labels: beloved bloggers, cocktailing, Little Miss Sunshine Online Pageant
Those are some fine hipster glasses you're sportin there. Your toast of Kool-Aid and Absolut should be hoisted in triumph, not in sorrow.
too cute!
you two have the same smile! but your taste in music is much better, haha!
now, if we can only get you to start growling like a tiger...
Way to go on the growling Barista, very funny.
Beth - You're rocking the glasses and the dress, funkadelic baby. And yes, it was of course a lovingly made jab.
Oh my! Even the outer stitching on your clothing matches! (Great dress by the way - homemade?) And you look just as sweet as Olive!
I can't pick the cutest of the two quite frankly. Now I know where Lisa Loeb got her look.
Except for the hair...We all ought to post our 9 year old pix!
Dayum, girl! You were (and still are) so cute!
BUBS: Sadly, I don't think that was the hip look in 1968. But the Kool-Aid and Absolut were delish!
BRAT: I've been perfecting that growl since 1968.
DALE: Thank God for Lisa Loeb, who has saved me from mocking and laughter.
COASTER PUNCHMAN: The only thing homemade in Cupland was a PB&J. That dress was probably purchased at Rich's (now Macy's). Wish I had it now ...
BEN: Hmmmmmm .........
OLD LADY: Let's all do it! I have my fourth-grade class photo that's a classic.
MARNI: You're laughing at me, aren't you?
I think posting all our skool dayz pictures is a great idea. I'll see if I can find and then scan mine.
Let the humiliation begin.
Let's do it! October 1: School pictures day.
No, I'm not laughing at you! I was serious!
I'll have to see if I can find a school picture to post. I'll call mom to see what she has... any particular grade?
Great picture. The dress looks like a costume from Austin Powers.
You look shag-o-licious, yea baby, groovy.
MARNI: You pick the age. The photo just needs to make you say "aaaah" ... and cringe.
RCOFCHS: How do you think I got all those freckles?
October 1st for 4th grade school pictures? Yeah! If I recall that one, I had jug ears, a Moe haircut and a black eye.
you look like you are on your way to a decemberists concert.
I'm in for October 1st humiliation. I have no idea what pictures I have, but I am certain there is comething seriously geeky.
BUBS and LULU: It's gonna be a beautiful Sunday in the blog world.
M: Or any Athens club, circla 1983.
Oh God, now I know what atrocities I'll be remembered for! Eek! I'm in.
Classic photo! Truly a classic. (And yes, I am cracking up here)
October 1st! We Post!
Yesssss! Can't wait... we'll all have to advertise heavily to make sure our readers understand the magnitude of this project.
What's our budget? For the advertising? I'm going to have to find at least 2 scary photos aren't I? One to tease with and one to seal my fate by.
JEREMY: I was one hot li'l nine-year-old minx, wasn't I? I think you need to join us on October 1.
NANCY: You're allowed to crack up. We all have those photos at the bottom of the box. I found this photo -- and many school photos -- in my dad's drawer after he passed away. Isn't it sweet that he saved them?
DALE - COASTER PUNCHMAN - OLD LADY: We're gonne have our own online Little Miss Sunshine pageant! We'll have to vote on whose photo is the best ... and by best, I mean, most hysterical.
Hi, I'm Dale's friend...can I send my picture too?
Damn! Why didn't you call me about this post?? Wow, that's awesome. Your dress is cooler...
My first-grade photo is shockingly similar to that one. I'll post it on the great Sunday of Cringe-Worthy Photos.
The freckles! The glasses! The groovy print of your shirt! I think you are adorable!
OK, so in addition to Olive's little pot belly, the long brown hair and -- YES -- even the large, round obnoxious pink glasses... well. Suffice it to say that's *my* fourth grade picture. Unfortunately, all photos were destroyed in a tragic piano accident.
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