A Groupie’s Dream Weekend
For most of you, this Labor Day weekend will revolve around barbecues and boats and benders.
Not for me.
I’m spending the weekend hanging out in my neighborhood.

Writers both brilliant and banal will be at the Decatur Book Festival for readings, panel discussions, book signings — and to thrill my little bookwormed heart. Baby Got Books also has info on the weekend’s events.
If you love to read, why haven’t you visited Baby Got Books? The Tim formerly known as DJ Cayenne and the rest of his gang keep me up to date on the latest literary news — and their book reviews are quite good.
Here’s the schedule, with the wheres and whens. Map out your must-stops, and let’s plan a meet-up. I’ll have my cell for tracking purposes, if you have my digits.
Where can you find me?
8:00 p.m.: Kinky Friedman
4:15 p.m.: Wesley Stace
5:30 p.m.: Sherman Alexie
7:00 p.m.: Wordsmiths Books panel* — with Baby Got Books’ Tim
8:00 p.m.: John Wesley Harding
*Not affiliated with the Decatur Book Festival, but it's happening in Decatur just around the corner from the bookish festivities.
12:00 p.m.: Edmund White
1:00 p.m.: Hollis Gillespie and Roy Blount Jr. signings
1:15 p.m.: Karen Abbott or Robert Olen Butler
2:30 p.m.: Chuck Klosterman
3:45 p.m.: Hollis Gillespie or Peter Case
5:00 p.m.: Chuck Rosenthal + Aaron Petrovich
8:00 p.m.: Peter Case
* * * * * *
Labels: alliterate and I'm yours writer boys, authors, Decatur, hero, meet me on the square, my little corner of the world, read and sing and dance, will Bobby Olen address that e-mail in Ted’s town
Oh, I'm jealous. I would have been there for Chuck Klosterman definitely.
Heh, nice label. I'm a whore for alliteration too.
You're having a book festival where your at? Awwww...I'm so envious. Pffft...the closest thing we have here is like poem groups that sometimes meet at Barnes & Nobles. I'm gonna have to plan a trip over there when one of those festivals are going on. I'm actually pouting cause I wanna go now and I can't. :(
I was jealous until I remembered that I'm going to the beach Saturday. Have fun. And I really am a little jealous.
I don't know how much of the festival I'll be going to, but I definitely want to be there for Alexie's reading and I'd really like to attend Frazier's thing, especially since I taught his most recent novel the last two semesters. And I taught Cold Mountain a while back too.
I love John Wesley Harding. My wife and I saw Chuck Klosterman at a book reading on our anniversary a couple of years back.
I'm wishing I was in Decatur this weekend. Have a blast!
So glad you live in an neighborhood you love. This event sounds like "Beth's Nirvana", have a blast! We'll be watching the Dogs opener this Sat night
Thanks for the shout out. Our little panel at Wordsmiths should be fun. There will be complimentary wine - how bad could it be? Bring a friend or 12.
That sounds great.
Except for the whole "having to be in Georgia" part. That, not so much.
Oddly, our local book festival is coming up in two weeks and for the first time I'm going. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'd never made a point of going and supporting local writers, etc.
I'd love to see Chuck Klosterman and get his autograph. Flannery just bought his new book and I can't pry it away from her. Have loads of fun and be sure to try some of the wine. Looking forward to the recap.
Perfect. Now I know exactly where to find you!
My dad always told me books were only to be used for kindling and by Communists. I hope that you don't buy copies of any little red books, Comrade, and if the FBI stops you on your way home, please inform them any purchases you made were fuel for a bonfire.
Saturday looks great! We have to wait for Wordstock to see Wes again 'round here.
That reminds me - gotta remind my pal Harmony (who is nuts over Sherman Alexie) that he's here on the 10th or so of Sept. We got skunked on his last reading. Got the venue mixed up and by the time we got to the right one (The Mothership - Powells) it was so jammed you couldn't get near it.
Debating whether or not to drive to Seattle for The Shins on Saturday.
CHELENE: I’m quite excited about the Klosterman interview. I’m gonna beg him for a job as his assistant; wonder if I can use my blog as writing samples?
BECKEYE: Such as “Labeled with Love”?
ARTFUL DODGER: I love leaving you cute boys pouting.
DR. MONKEY: I’m not much of a beach girl, so I’m just feeling a twinge of jealousy about your vaca. But I’ll miss you.
SCRIVENER: I hope I see you at Sherman Alexie’s session.
CHEZ BÉZ: It’s not that far from Nashville; throw the kids in the backseat and c’mon down. I’ve never seen John Wesley Harding in concert, so I’m looking forward to Saturday night.
HOLLYC: I learned something new today; I didn’t know the Dawgs were playing this weekend.
TIM: I’m trying to build up a crowd for the Wordsmiths panel. I plan to heckle you. (p.s. I miss “DJ Cayenne.”)
CRUSHER: Then it’s a good thing you haven’t been invited to Georgia.
CHANCELUCKY: I missed last year’s festival because I went to the lake, so this will be my maiden voyage. Can’t wait!!! Hope you post about your festival.
DOC: I need to pick up the new Klosterman and the new Alexie tomorrow. If I get their autographs, I’ll be sure to post photos to taunt y’all. And, yes, I’ll be drinking wine all weekend long.
GRANT MILLER: I’ll be the one in jeans.
PISTOLS AT DAWN: It’s sweet of you to look out for me, Pistols.
GLASSMEOW: I missed Wesley Stace and John Wesley Harding last year, so I’m glad he’s coming back. If I get a chance to talk with Sherman Alexie, I’ll tell him to give y’all a reminder buzz when he hits Portland.
Oh sweet! That's way better than having a brew in the backyard! I be jealous.
klosterman is a big wilco fan--and a really nice guy. have fun meeting him.
and by the way--rip hilly kristal.
Oh man, Chuck Klosterman on sunday. Yeah, I am jealous. Sounds like fun - and a good way to spend a Labor Day. Oh, Peter Case, too ... that sound be be awesome!
Oh, and I wanted to mention that (nearly a year later) I have returned to my Byrds and I series. I am reposting the old ones this week and debuting new ones all next week.
BARBARA: The nice thing is, the festival is just a mile or two from my home, so I can have a brew in the back yard if I need it.
M: Wasn't that sad about Hilly? I read that yesterday.
NEW AND USED RECORDS: Peter Case is also doing an in-store at our neighborhood CD shop, but it's during Hollis Gillespie's gig. I have to get over there and read your Byrds posts; you know I love 'em.
Eck-cellent that you are mixing in your milieu! I'm happy for ya and sending out good vibes!
"Sherman Alexie?"
I'll be right over, I hope the cats don't mind me putting them out (allergies) ; )
Now *that's* where I should be this weekend.
too bad I'm not in your hood, I'd love to hook up for cocktails and a literary feast. have the best time.
So, did you have a good time at the Decatur Book Festival?
Love hollis Gillespie. Did you see her?
EEBIE: It was beyond fun. I love my 'hood.
WRITE PROCRASTINATOR: The cats will probably throw you on the deck, doll. But it's quiet out there.
THIRD WORST POET: C'mon down! You can share the deck with Write Procrastinator.
JEWGIRL: I wish you were here, doll.
ANONYMOUS: The bestest time!
GIFTED TYPIST: Yes, I did — and loved every 45 minutes of it.
The Kinkster is/was at the book festival? Ah, I love the Kinkster! I have all his books, a good many signed. I'm jealous some more.
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