15 May 2008

You Tell 'em, Keith!

Keith Olbermmmm was on a roll last night. In case you missed it:

* * * * * *

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At 5/15/2008 09:35:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm late to my awareness of Obermann, as I'm not much of a TV person. I did miss it and thanks for posting it. I've been irate about the asshole's "sacrifice" of giving up golf. I'd like to borrow this for my blog, as I have different readers. Hope it's okay.


At 5/15/2008 10:31:00 AM, Blogger Minnesotablue said...

I love Oberman. He has such passion and conviction. I did see that segment. Wow!

At 5/15/2008 11:03:00 AM, Blogger SkylersDad said...

You go Kieth! I wish he would run for office, but he is too smart for that...

At 5/15/2008 11:17:00 AM, Blogger haahnster said...

I had just put the same thing up over at my place before I clicked on the Cup. I watched it on Countdown last night.

Jaw-droppingly excellent.

At 5/15/2008 06:40:00 PM, Blogger thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

Hear hear! Now, about those shows you gotta see... what's with listing REM in so many major U.S. cities, sans Chicago? That's where I'll be seeing them. With Modest Mouse and The National. WooohooO!

At 5/16/2008 01:55:00 AM, Blogger Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

My man crush on him deepened after I saw that great special comment.

At 5/16/2008 10:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so tall, so dreamy, and described W and his minions as " you and the mental dwarves in your employ". Keith is spanktastic

At 5/17/2008 01:49:00 AM, Blogger Coaster Punchman said...

It's all just too painful to listen to. Although it's still important to listen to it. Just not on a weekend!

At 5/17/2008 05:45:00 AM, Blogger lulu said...

I love Keith.
L U V him.

At 5/17/2008 09:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason (arrogant rant?) he reminds me of Mr O'Reilly...


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