Casting the First Blog Stone
I recently mocked Professor Bastard over his blog admission that he first thought the Buffett giving away his millions was Jimmy Buffett. But, of course, I have no room to talk.

During the fall of 2004, I was riding with my boss in his car. I spotted the umpteenth W window decal in a week, and commented that I didn’t realize so many Wesleyan graduates lived in Atlanta.
“Um, Beth,” he said, “That’s for George W. Bush.”
* * * * * *
Labels: pot kettle black
I can't believe you included that jpg on your post. It makes my eyes hurt.
I always thought it was a play on
"W" the hotel..and wondered if a lawsuit would pop up
by the way, Jimmy and Warren spell it Buffett, kind of suprised to catch you on that...and they are distantly related by the way and keep in touch.
SCRIVENER: It was very hard ... but I felt I deserved to be punished after mocking the Professor. He's a Bastard, you know, and he scares me.
HOLLYC: I've been trying to log on all morning to fix the spelling, but Blogger wasn't cooperating. That's pretty cool to know they're related!
Don't fret, there are plenty of stickers out there you can use that scream "I'M A DEMOCRAT", but I don't like bumper stickers in general and I wouldn't mess up your adorable vehicle with one
We're on the same sticker boat, Ms. C. The Beetle must be free of everything but the flower in the bud vase.
haha, that story cracked me up.
btw - i just heard on the news that your state is breeding some super mosquito.
I believe it about the mosquito, Brat; you should see my legs after several days on the porch.
And in 2004 I think I was trying to push Dubya as far away from my mind as possible.
I *just* had one of those moments myself!!!
Your blog photo...that's the top of your head, right?! (or, someone's head, at least)
I never looked closely before. I thought it was a tree in snow. (Have I mentioned my color-blindness?)
How's that for a "DUH!!!" moment?!
Oh, and you're absolutely correct about bumper/window stickers. What a shitty form of public discourse. I'd hope for a better medium through which to exchange ideas. Blogging isn't too bad. It's certainly better than bumper stickers!!!!
I haven't seen these "Ws" here in Brooklyn.
I sure hope I can buy one online!
Hi Beth-I'm from Atlanta, too. I check in ever so often to see what's going on in and around your porch. LOL I fully expect to log on one day and find the name of your blog changed to THE Porch. LOL Anyway, I love the W-sticker, but I am not one to put them on my car, either. Why mess up the Accord-unless they made one with a big A. {{shaking head}} That one would be misunderstood for sure!
It took me a few weeks to figure out those "somewhere in Texas, a village is missing an idiot" bumpstickers.
Procrastinator Jr, then a ripe-old age of eight, even chided me for not knowing.
There's a mock bumper stick that replaces the "W" with an "F."
Happy 60th Birthday "W"!!!
Thanks for fighting the war on terror, removing Saddam, Uday, Qusay, Zarkowie and many other thugs. Thanks for creating a booming economy with the lowest unemployment rates in recent history by lowering taxes. Thanks for restoring dignity to the White House.
Beth, speaking of the top of your head, is it possible a pigeon just pooped on it?
I thihk think you story is hilarious! One of those "Tivo" moments!
The "F the president" stickers are quite funny. Personally, I'd like to see a "F the politicians. All of them." sticker.
And I'm probably closer to conservative than most people on this post, but even I can laugh at that "restoring dignity to the whitehouse" comment. Are you serious? I'm happy about certain events during this administration, but c'mon. There hasn't been dignity in the whitehouse in . . . probably forever. They all lie to our faces. All of them. They are all out to fatten their own wallets and get high on power no matter what it takes or whose grandmother they have to ruin. I loathe politicians. I want to see Congress make 50% more than minimum wage and see how many of those jackasses stick around. Maybe then we might get someone who actually cares about government and justice. Ouch! I just fell off my soapbox.
No way! Do you drive a New Beetle too? What color???
Mine's Cyber Green. Turbo. 17" wheels. All the bells and whistles. Her name's Miz Pea.
Maybe we would catfight over Peter...we seem to be eerily alike!
I do like the "fukengruven" sticker however....
HAAHNSTER: You thought my curls were a tree? I guess my hair is getting a little bushy ... (I love puns -- bad or good).
MR. SARK: I even found a Dubya and an Ann Coulter doll! The Internet is a wonderful place.
MARY: Glad you’re no longer silent here at the Cup! I do love my porch these days. I’ll pop over to your blog this week.
WRITEPROCRASTINATOR: Go, junior! (And good one, WP. Maybe you need to give up the instant coffee after all.)
GRANT: Love the F sticker … but my mama would spank me …
JUDITH: I have a ton of ‘em. Kept OM entertained for years.
JEREMY: I knew I loved you for a reason.
GLASSMEOW: 2000 Silver Turbo. The love of my automotive life. I’ll never drive another type of car. Those Turbos can go, can’t they? We may have to share Peter; I get Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
FELLOWVWDRIVER: So do I. And isn’t it fun to say?
'k I'll take Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday!
He's gonna get awfully jet lagged commuting between Atlanta and Portland. Maybe we should both pack up and move to Seattle? :P
The Mrs. might have something to say 'bout our plans...
I'd move to Seattle for that. And we can take her. Or we'll live our own Big Love.
Jeremy-there has been dignity restored in the white house in one aspect. We haven't had to deal with interns and cigars! :-)
"an Ann Coulter doll!"
What, five popsicle sticks, an olive, and a blonde wig?
Don't forget to dip it in lemon, alum and vinegar, because it's reallllly bitter.
MARY: No offense, but I'd much rather deal with interns and cigars than ineptness and complete disregard for the middle and lower class.
WRITE PROCRASTINATOR: That's it! But you can buy your own talking Ann Coulter doll here:
The interns and cigars don't bother me as much as the corruption and the joke politicians make of government. Fidelity is a choice you make when you get married. If he wants to cheat on his wife, qnd she wants to let him, that's their business. Saying anything to get elected and then flatly lying in office is what I loathe. And they all do that. You can't trust any of them and that doesn't leave me with a good feeling about politics.
"But you can buy your own talking Ann Coulter doll here:"
Scary stuff. If I wasn't concerned about karma, I'd be sure to mail a couple to Haiti.
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