The Little Miss Sunshine Online Pageant Is Here!

Barbara at looking2live *
Ben at Ben’s Treasure Trove *
Beth at Cup of Coffey *
Bluez at Lame Stuff *
Bubs at Sprawling Ramshackle Compound *
Coaster Punchman’s World *
Creepy at Church of the Lost Souls *
Dale at Passion of the Dale *
Dan at All Things Dan *
Dystopia at Rantings of a Mad Seamstress *
Haahnster’s Hallucinations *
Jacob’s Mom at My life and You're Welcome to It! *
James at Heavy: Lift with Caution **
Jeremy at Str8jacket *
Johnny at It’s a Pug’s Life *
Just a Cool Cat ... with a mullet! **
Katy at Okay, Fine! Whatever?!?!? *
Land-o-Lulu *
Marni at It’s a Pug’s Life *
Mellowlee at Mellow-Like-Jello *
Mizbubs at Sprawling Ramshackle Compound *
Mother of Intention at Spilling Out! *
The Official Site of Grant Miller *
Old Lady at Eclectic Tales **
PinkFluffySlippers at Cello, Et Cetera *
Scrivener at Scrivenings *
sKincarver at Creeping Darkness *
Tanya Espanya at Blog Worm *
Tenacious S
** Brand-new posts!
* Posted
* * * * * *
Labels: beloved bloggers, Little Miss Sunshine Online Pageant
Thanks for organizing this online "mixer". It was so much fun to meet everyone (as we looked a few decades ago.)
It's important work, Barbara. I was glad to step up to the plate.
Yeah, seriously sweetie, good job! I've been reminiscing for the past few hours. You'll have to look over everyone's posts to see some of my stories.
I should be working, but hey, this is a nice way to procrastinate.
This is fun! Can't wait for everyone else to post!
Wait a minute...where the hell is Old Lady? Didn't she sort of dare you into this?
Can't wait to see the shame and or sweetness of the next wave.
Hey Beth...this is excellent.
I haven't been able to post mine yet, as my parents need to email me the photo. Might want to take my link off.
Bluez posted one too Beth so maybe you could add her link?
My link is and I can post it later today. (if that's not too late) Thanks.
Beth, this is so hilarious and excellent!
I only had a chance to post this late because the scanner has been put away (basement renovation and all that), so I had to take a photo of the picture, and phew, I finally posted.
My freckles have mostly faded, but my teeth remain large. (all the better to bite people's heads off, I guess)
Thanks again for this great posting, and thanks to everyone who joined in for sharing!
I updated.
best. post. ever. it is so amazing you were able to organize such a great event. i heart this so much!
Beth, thank you so much! This was great fun.
As an objective bystander to this competition, I have to say that only Pink Fluffy Slippers and Carver are in the same high-standards category as our beloved Coffey. I think that all three deserve a pair of bobby socks and a new retainer.
Great job Beth. These pics are precious!
Perhaps Dale can organize a mullet contest next Hahahaa
Let's hear it for you Beth!
Great job at organizing all of us trolls into one big blogroll.
It was a lot of fun and the anticipation alone was quite something.
We are the world, bla bla bla :-)
Wonderful job Beth! I'm time-travelling in my head and developing several retro-crushes.
Thanks for all your organizing work here Beth. I've had a great time touring all the entries.
JustaCoolCat posted a spin on this and called it Sunday Mullet Sunday....pretty damned worth the look.
Brilliant idea, and lots of fun. Thanks!!!
Thanks for linking this up Beth. It was great :)
I have failed! All of my photos seem to have remained in VT. I couldn't find anything suitably embarassing, or really, much at all. Everyone else's are just gorgeous though :)
Somehow I just can't see Ben as "Little Miss Sunshine."
-- david
Beth, thanks again for undertaking this. It is really, really nice. It's been a blast looking at everyone's old photos. Good job!
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