The Belittling of the Little America Tour
Remember the excitement over my Little America Tour announcement, soon followed by God mocking and taunting me? Well, once again The Big Guy wins.

Frickin’ sucks, doesn’t it? The reasons are many, but only a few are shared:
• The car is still teasing me with a Check Engine light that blinks on and off like Rudolph’s nose.
• Financial unexpecteds have drained the pennies my mechanic left in my savings account.
• I forgot my parents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary falls during that first week, and I want to spend that evening with my mom.
But I’ll get to see my favorite boys with Favorite Boy. And I’ll be dancing my ample a** off in the Atlanta pit.
Still … I’m cuing up “Everybody Hurts,” throwing myself on the bed like Lana Turner in a Douglas Sirk flick, and sobbing like a little girl.
* * * * * *
Labels: Acceleration, I feel an overly dramatic pout coming on, I’m sad, I’m still gonna whirl my dervish off, Little America, R.E.M., roadtrip
I got firsts! Yeah me!!!
We are still looking forward to ya in NYC! Leave the car, you won't need it when you get here!
You could be dancing madly like the sister in Sirk's "Written on the Wind" but that turned out to be lethal so maybe not. But it certainly counts for the dramatic and everyone has really cool cars that don't seem to break down and loads of money. But then they are in Texas--do you really want to go to Texas? Me neither. We'll miss you here. (That's me and Molly.)
That does suck!
Even a belittled REM tour will embiggen you. Sorry to hear you have to cut it short, but do try to squeeze every drop of bliss out of the shows you do make.
Just don't stab anyone Lana! That sucks Beth but I'm glad you till get to see them thar!
Booo! Hisss!!
Best laid plans of mice and (wo)men.....
Oh well, there's always the U2 tour coming up!
I don't know how you can call yourself a serious fan if you're not willing to jeopardize your job and your financial future to follow the band around. Real life sucks, doesn't it?
how do you expect us to live vicarious through your adventures if you are just going to sit home?
i want my money back.
I say save your $$ and meet me in New Orleans for the Voodoo Experience show! It's on the East Coast, AND it's got REM! And hurricanes to sip, and beignets to munch, and...and...
(starts hyperventilating from the excitement, then calms down)
Yeah. New Orleans, lady, let's make it happen.
This is what this economy has come to. Pay bills and give up fun. Gas is 4 bucks a gallon, it would have cost you big to make that drive here to Philly anyway. sorry for your loss. :-(
What, we aren't all gonna hang out?
"But I’ll get to see my favorite boys with Favorite Boy. And I’ll be dancing my ample a** off in the Atlanta pit."
Sure, you do all that when I'm not there.
I'm familiar with the first two reasons ;->
Hey, at least you get to spend time in Tar Heel Land. David Sedaris country, too. orleans is now on the east coast? i didn't realize it moved. i gotta get a new compass.
It's your cry and you'll party if you want to.
Well, Beth, at least I don't have to feel such jealousy now. ;-)
Seriously, I'm sorry your plans for the tour have thwarted. Make sure that in your crying your nose doesn't get red like the warning light in your car...
Sorry to hear it, miss. I'll tip my cap to your scaled-back dreams by not leaving the house for a week.
I'm bummed you're not coming!
I'm sorry you won't make it to all, but hope you have a great time at the two you do.
Bummer Beth. My VW check engine light flickers too, but mostly it stays on. Then it says "emissions workshop!!" (those are it's exclamation marks)
But hey, TWO shows is better than ONE right?
Major bummer! It would have been great to meet you. Enjoy your beloveds when you _do_ see them. When I see them, I'll think of you.
Blasted! Foiled again! Two shows are better than none, but in a show of solidarity I'll be playing "Everybody Hurts" on a continuous loop for the remainder of the evening.
Sorry to hear that your plans were scuttled. With that, I will tell you that I'm flying to NYC to see Iron Maiden at Madison Square Garden. Floor seats baby!
Still sounds like a blast!
It's Saturday and there is still no Friday mix tape. I'm going to celebrate the Brooklyn Bridge's birthday and then jump off of it.
hang in there Coffey...I'll drink a beer in your honor in DC
hmmm, Beth, you and I are on the same downward vibe here.
I told you about the foiled NYC trip - the cat had it's fangs out and it broke me.
This wk/end I was off to Chicago with a friend until my sig oth had a biz trip that could not be got out of.
Boo hiss does not say it the way I need it to be said.
Call traffic at the national suicide hot-line is way up since Friday. For the good of the nation, I hope we get a mix tape this week. Hope your memorial day weekend was memorable.
Oh Bethykins, I am so sorry.
1) I say you throw up a ChipIn widget.
2) Love your sense of drama re: the last point. I am the same way.
3) You're a great daughter, an amazing daughter!
4) Happy you'll be dancing your ass off w/the beloved.
Agreed with Eebs - just make it up here and you won't need food (PG will provide that); transporation (a 7-day subway pass is super cheap); and lodging (Mama Gin has plenty of spare room!
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