Bumper Sticker Du Jour

And for your weekend sendoff:
Yes, Richard Thompson is covering Britney Spears. And, oops, he did it well.
Now, get out there, start your weekend, and get some oops! under your belt.
* * * * * *
Labels: bumper sticker du jour, weekend oops
Now I'm trying to imagine Britney Spears covering Richard Thompson.
I think I'm gonna hurl.
Speaking of unlikely covers...
Last night, at work, we were talking about the new John Lennon cover album, which is a benefit for the refugees of Darfur. Apparently, the Christine Aguilara cover of John Lennon's classic "Mother" is pretty good.
It may be a dumb question ... but who is Richard Thompson??
-- david
Oops! I downloaded it again!
DAN: She might do a good job with "God Loves a Drunk."
JOHNNY YEN: I need to hear it. I have the R.E.M. track, of course; bought it a month back.
DAVID AMULET: An extremely talented, underappreciated guitarist and folkie who should be known. Listen to the track and check him out.
BLUE BLANKET: And now you're singing the song, aren't you?
Good Job Beth- he was in Dallas 2 months ago, and I didn't get to see him, but I sent some friends that had never heard of him (except when I try to inflict him upon them at the house) and they were blown away.
saw him 5 years ago though....best show I ever went to.
He has a new album out.
Isn't Richard's boy Teddy a BFF of Rufus Wainwright's? Talented family that. Sort of like the Spears clan. (I jest, please don't smack me!)
I had never heard of Richard Thompson before, but I enjoyed that track. Thanks!
Thanks for that - I didn't have a copy on the PC at work :P
STEVE: I've seen Richard Thompson live five or six times — but not in years. He's playing at Bonnaroo this weekend, and I spent a lot of time convinving my Roo-bound pals to check out his show.
BARBARA: I think so. They've played on each other's albums. Maybe Martha's, too? (I giggled, so don't worry about the smackdown.)
ALLISON: He's well worth checking out. Amzing live performer, too.
GLASSMEOW: At your service!
I think that this is just a brilliant little pop song, no matter who is singing it. I have a bunch of different cover versions.
Teddy's a talented guy in his own right and is in the Leonard Cohen music doc I'm Your Man with Rufus. His maw's there too.
Nice bumper sticker! And song!
Oh and Beth, there's a baby now!
is that 'end of an error in '09' mean richard thompson will stop singing that song then?
Britney Spears? That's thilly. Too bad this is pretty good.
LULU: I have to agree with you. I have some, too; we should trade.
DALE: I like Teddy; I have one of his CDs. I forgot that they're in that doc together. And YAY baby!
M: You so silly.
KAREN: Thilly and thabulous!
And here I thought there was no way I could like that song, even a little. I stand corrected.
My fave anti-bush bumper sticker is the "F the president" which mocks the "W the president" sticker.
I wish someone would cover Britney...literally. I can only see all that snatch and cottage cheese so many times before I poke my eyes out.
Hey, that was awesome! One Brit cover that always makes me smile is Type O Negative's version of: Baby Hit Me One More Time.
BLOG PORTLAND: Goes to show that a talented musician can make any pop tune brilliant.
GRANT MILLER: I still giggle over F the President.
BECKEYE: You and me both ... and you know she's doing it on purpose, which just raises the skank factor by 10.
MELLOWLEE: I have that somewhere; it is fab, isn't it?
It sure is :O)
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