Wordy Rappinghood
No, I haven’t been engulfed by Okefenoke wildfires, or run off with the pool boy, or “followed” R.E.M. to Vancouver to take advantage of major stalking opportunities. I’ve just been swamped at work. About 70 percent of my job involves writing, and I’ve written nearly 8,000 corporate words since May 1. I just can’t muster up the energy to blog (or read blogs) when I’m home … which, in itself, is a rarity, as my dance card is filled these days.
I’ve written some great posts … in my head. Too bad y’all can’t peek beyond the wild black locks. Maybe I’ll get them down on keyboard and screen in the next week. Maybe.
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Jane hosted the world premiere of her new movie, “Georgia Rule,” in Atlanta last week to benefit her favorite charitable organization, the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention. During the benefit auction, she bid $100,000 for a weeklong trip to her “favorite ex” Ted’s Argentinean ranch. When she won the trip, she told Turner — and the rest of the crowd at Symphony Hall — “See what I’ll do to keep other people out of your bed?”
Jane’s my flirtin’ hero.
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Have you seen the commercial for some bag o’ nuts, the one that claims when you get that 3 p.m. crash, Robert Goulet comes in and messes with your stuff? Maybe my brain is drained from the recent word output, but I giggle every damn time I see the commercial. I’ve started using Goulet as my excuse at work.
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I believe a couple of you asked for five questions during my latest e-disappearance. Promise I’ll get them to you by Wednesday, if you’re still interested in an interview.
I was in Grant Miller’s dream. I feel special ... and a little dirty ... and I kind of like that feeling. For the sordid details, read the comments to the previous post.
Thanks to those who e-mailed and checked on me. You like me, you really like me!
And now I must sign off to read the backlog of your blogs …
* * * * *
Labels: Atlanta residents, beloved bloggers, Cup Coolness Chart, Cup's Hall of Hair Fame, e-disappearances, feelin' dirty, flirt hero, R.E.M. stalkabilities, Robert Goulet messes with my stuff
Glad to hear you're among the living.
Welcome home. I was about getting ready to email you myself. Your interview with me is up, somewhere in the deep recesses of CPW.
Welcome back to the land of those not too busy to waste our time and p-s-y-k-i-c-k energy on the computer while at work!!
Welcome back, dork.
wow, i didn't realize you liked to flirt.
Don't worry. We know how you feel about being too tired to post. We forgive ya. :P Hey I saw Jane Fonda on that Marlon Brando special on TCM. Interesting hat she wore.
"...when you get that 3 p.m. crash, Robert Goulet comes in and messes with your stuff?"
'k I'm so not apologizing for Leo Sayer or John Denver references evah again :P
Welcome back to teh blogosphere!
& Vancouver is very close...we could be there! (but alas, it is also rather large)
There you are! While you were gone I out-dorked you. See what happens when you don't pay attention?
Glad to see a post from you lady :O) I hope you have more time for blogging soon. Jane Fonda is rather cool! Did you see Monster In Law? I wasn't crazy about the movie itself, but her character killed me!
Welcome back, B. I hear Jane also took Miss Lindsay Lohan to task. She rocks.
8,000 corporate words in two weeks? Ouch! I think I've written more than 8,000 words in that time, but it was for my blog. That makes all the difference. :-D
Hey, cuz... glad you are back...
Jane Fonda is HAWT!!!
How many of those 8,000 words were "leverage" or "synergy" or "robust" or "cascade"?
Thank you for generating this sustainable and user-centric post. Perhaps in the future you can integrate more practical applications and show you are a team leader and valued individual contributor.
I want to see Francine Reed! Do you think you'll get to go? Lyle & k.d. would be cool too.
Welcome back and forth again.
SPLOTCHY: So am I! And I'm trying to find time to go through my boxes o' vinyl for that Method Actors album, so stay tuned.
COASTER PUNCHMAN: I'll click over and read the Q&A tonight. And you can e-mail me any time.
KEITH KENNEDY: I wish I could waste those valuable corporate hours ... but somebody has to 'plain the new postal regulations.
TANYA ESPANYA: Thank you, preggers.
M: It's a shocker, isn't it? I try to hide that side of myself.
ARTFUL DODGER: Now I want to watch the Brando show just to see her hat ...
GLASSMEOW: Have you seen the Robert Goulet commercial? It's a hoot. Sorry, but Leo Sayer still earns a mock. And I had that album in high school, so I know of what I speak.
TEN S: NO! You out-dorked me? I need to hit your blog now.
MELLOWLEE: I didn't see Monster-in-Law, but I considered it for Jane. And Wanda Sykes.
CHELENE: Jane and Felicity Huffman made some jokes about the LL-tasking at the Atlanta premiere. That's so cool.
WANDERING AUTHOR: While I enjoy my job and the creativity I'm allowed ... they're still 8,000 corporate words.
MARNI: Thanks, cuz.
HAAHNSTER: I am editor and The Authority in our corporate world, and therefore we never "leverage" or "synergy" or "robust" or "cascade." You'd be proud of my simple, straightforward lingo.
GRANT MILLER: You'd be proud to see how integrated a team player I am.
DALE: I'm definitely going to see Ms. Reed. I'll leave a ticket for you at the door. It's a very small club, so it will be worth the air fare.
I'm hoping to see the Goulet commerical. Haven't yet.
DiscoLeo is definitely something best let die a quiet death, but give the man a little credit for writing a hit single ("Giving it all Away" 1973) for Roger Daltrey and for "Long Tall Glasses" (which again, should stay in the 70's, but had a certain appeal).
Everybody our age had that album in high school - mock away!
Glad you're back!
Jane Fonda is hot. I remember as a younger guy seeing a picture of her in her Babarella outfit. Hmmmmmmm...
I have seen the Goulet nut commercial, and loved it. Have you ever seen the Bill Murray movie Scrooged? Robert Goulet has a hilarious little cameo, in an ad for "Robert Goulet's Cajun Christmas."
I just love saying
"Robert Goulet"
Can't wait to see the commercial
I really have to learn RSS so I can be here for the updates. Fonda's appearance was something else and isn't this the second time she's broken his character's facade?
Goulet? Between the Emerald Nuts ad, his appearance on Triumph The Insult Comic's show and this outstanding version of "My Green Tambourine" that he did for this kid's series four years ago, the man can do no absolutely no wrong.
I just watched this Clip of Monster In Law On Youtube. I think it's the best part of the movie :O)
Life has it ebbs and flows ya know.
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