A High Mark
I’ve had a stressful couple of weeks, so I spent my Sunday decompressing at one of my favorite places with one of my favorite persons: the High Museum of Art with the Beloved Ex. Sunday was the closing day for the Annie Leibovitz exhibit. I hate hitting a show on the last day because it’s too damn crowded, but the boy and I just couldn’t sync our summer schedules to see the show.
I was most eager to see Leibovitz’s more personal work — particularly those of Susan Sontag in her final years — but I was happily surprised to see one of my favorite photographs hanging just inside the gallery door:

Mark Morris (Annie Leibovitz, 1988)
This photo ran with a Rolling Stone interview of Mark Morris in the late 1980s, and I had the tattered page hanging on many a cubicle wall for many a year (now I have four postcards of it!). Yes, Morris is beautiful here — that hair, those lips, those blue eyes — but it’s the attitude, the confidence I love. That’s the ‘tude I want to exude every day. This photo also leaves me craving a ciggie … and I’m not a smoker. Isn’t that the sexiest ciggie you’ve seen in ages?
I’m lucky enough to have seen Morris and his troupe a couple of times, once when the White Oak Dance Project performed in Atlanta. (White Oak Plantation, where they stayed while developing the performance) is near Thomasville, in south Georgia.) Mark Morris and Mikhail Baryshnikov, together on the Fox stage. Yes, I’ll die a happy woman.
The exhibit was better than expected. Many of the photos on display are now-iconic shots, thanks to Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair. The shots of Susan Sontag during her illness and when she died were lovely, heartbreaking — as were Leibovitz's personal photos of her parents and her children.
The Beloved Ex had to get back to his side of town, so I got some High time on my own — going back through the Leibovitz galleries to spend more time with the Morris photo and the Sontag and family series, wandering through the permanent collection, enjoying the quiet in such a crowded space.
Now I’m a bit more relaxed — and full of ‘tude.
* * * * * *
Labels: Annie Leibovitz, High Museum of Art, Mark Morris, photography, quiet among the masses
How lovely, to have the word beloved used as a modifier for Ex. Very grammatically pleasing. Lucky you. And lucky you to see her work.
That man's eyes will haunt my dreams forever.
You know what's good for de-stressing? Answering thoughtful interviews from attractive bloggers.
I like the "full of 'tude" phrase - is it yours or is it in common usage? I don't get out as much as I used to!
Ah, the museum. What a brilliant idea! Perhaps I'll take my darling BeckEye to MOMA this weekend. Or maybe we'll just stay in for some love by the fire. Sorry, Beth.
Annie is a wonderful photographer. She makes everyone look wildly interesting.
I wish I could look as cool in photo's of me. I've never seen an Annie Leibovitz exhibit but it sounds fun. Hmmm...I wonder if they'll have something like that in L.A.? I have a whole day by myself before MTG gets there and need to find something to do.
Yes, it's certainly the attitude that shines forth in that photo. He is mesmerizing. And makes me want to strut about like I own the world.
That's one hot Dude with a 'tude. Gotta love it!
Glad you had a good time...finding quiet in the masses. :)
Her Lennon/Ono photos - the ones taken right before John was murdered - are really heartbreaking as well.
GIFTED TYPIST: I'm very lucky to be able to use "beloved" with "ex." We have a great post-relationship friendship.
PISTOLS AT DAWN: Aren't they dreamy???
BECKEYE: Okay, chickie; you're on for next week.
WAPENTAKE: I think the kids used to say it a few years ago; I kept it. I'm retro-cool.
GLENN TILBROOK: You need to stop trying to make me jealous all the time, Glennie. I said NO!
CHELENE: She has the coolest job, doesn't she?
ARTFUL DODGER: It's all in the 'tude, so pose with it. You're headed to L.A.?
BARBARA: Doesn't he? Mark Morris is beyond cool — and he was (or used to be, anyway) one of Isaac Mizrahi's best buds!
DABICH: He's so beautiful ...
FRANK SIMARCO: Aren't they? Probably the best shots she took.
You have 'tude?
I'm jealous, I'm sure that show was awesome....
You're right about that picture. It's pure attitude.
I'm ashamed to admit I've never seen that photo before. But now not only am I glad you posted it, but I'm sorry I didn't get to see that show.
we love a relaxed bethy!
I would've loved that. I wonder if it's coming to shlock angeles. I'll have to check that out.
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