A Room with a View
The Final Lake Burton Rumination
I had the downstairs to myself last weekend. My bedroom opened up to the screened porch, so I kept the door open all weekend. I woke up in the middle of each night to sit on that darkened porch … enjoy the alive solitude of 3 a.m. … stare at the still lake, the black sky baubled with millions stars … hum along with the cricket serenade … leave my worries and thoughts and stresses farther behind with every rock of the chair.
I had the downstairs to myself last weekend. My bedroom opened up to the screened porch, so I kept the door open all weekend. I woke up in the middle of each night to sit on that darkened porch … enjoy the alive solitude of 3 a.m. … stare at the still lake, the black sky baubled with millions stars … hum along with the cricket serenade … leave my worries and thoughts and stresses farther behind with every rock of the chair.
When (and notice I didn't write “if”) that house becomes mine, I plan to knock down walls and make the lake-facing side all windows. Without window treatments. Just the sky and lake and trees for curtains.

I love living life by boat — getting up in the early morn and zipping to the marina for the morning paper (and a fabulous boho skirt), taking two or three rides every day, cruising in the evening with a glass of wine and gentle breeze.
Georgia trivia: There are no natural lakes in the state; they’re all man-made (man-dug?). ‘Tis true; my mama told me so. Lake Burton is owned by Georgia Power.

One downside about the most beautiful spot in Georgia is it’s where the very moneyed have their weekend homes, pricing paupers such as I out of the market. Folks are building McMansions up there — seven bed/ten bath behemoths (or, as I call these houses, behomeths) that are priced around six million. Yes, I mean dollars.
Here are some houses snapped from the boat.

Lake Burton is glorious. It needs me as much as I need it. I’m gonna suck up bigtime to the brother-in-law so that he’ll invite me up every three weeks. And introduce me to his widowed dad.
* * * * * *
Labels: boat, boho skirt, cricket serenade, lake, travel
I like your brother in law's place better than the McMansions. The porch rules!
Great pictography!
Very nice. I'm glad you spend time enjoying the good things in life. You are cool! (That phrase is a CP trademark. Also the ultimate compliment.)
are those mountains? or hills? just wondering....
ps--i am jealous of your vacation.
GLASSMEOW: The McMansions are ridiculous, aren't they? I'm a simple gal; all I need is a porch and that view.
OLD LADY: It's easy to get great photos up there, even on overcast days.
COASTER PUNCHMAN: I am so frickin' cool, it's unebelievable. I'll be in your neck of the woods in December; we should drink each other under the table.
M: They are mountains. Old mountains. Older than those tall, young Rockies. They've been worn down by time -- but they're still beautiful and strong. Oh, and stay jealous.
even a city girl like me can appreciate how nice your vacation by the lake was.
I wanna fly like a beagle
To the lake
Fly like a beagle
I hope Beth feeds me some steak.
Wow, kudzu really does grow over everything.
Happened across your blog from the 2996 participant list. Liked your tribute.
And I learned that GA has no real lakes. I had no idea! The big lake houses are a bit much, but I guess if someone gave me one free for nothing, I'd accept it. But only if it came with a maid too. Wouldn't want to have to clean all that square footage myself. ;)
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