Mix Tape Friday: I Wanna Rawk!
We’ve been swooning and sobbing over love for the last two weeks. Always interesting — but I’m getting antsy. It’s time to rawk — and we’re bustin’ out the jams with alternative bands covering rock classics. (You know I love covers.)
Announcing the First Mix Tape Friday Contest!
And it’s an easy one: E-mail me the list of original artists for each of these forty songs. All winning entries go into the pot. If I draw your name, you win a chance to co-produce the March 14 mix tape. The e-mail address is on the navbar. Can you stand the excitement?
Loosen up those neck muscles, kids, because you’re getting ready to bang the head.

Dave Grohl :: Stairway to Heaven
Scissor Sisters :: Comfortably Numb
Of Montreal :: Suffragette City
Bryan Ferry :: Sympathy for the Devil
Stone Temple Pilots :: Revolution
Fishbone :: Shattered
The Flaming Lips :: Bohemian Rhapsody
The Cardigans :: Iron Man
Bauhaus :: Ziggy Stardust
The Ramones :: Time Has Come Today
Pearl Jam :: Baba O’Riley
The Replacements :: Jumping Jack Flash
Kristin Hersh :: When the Levee Breaks
The Decemberists :: Think About Me
Aztec Camera :: Jump
Seu Jorge :: Life on Mars?
R.E.M. :: Tusk
Lily Allen :: Mr. Blue Sky
Elvis Costello :: All You Need Is Love
Liz Phair :: Emotional Rescue
Everclear :: The Boys Are Back in Town
Buzzcocks :: Ballroom Blitz
Rage Against the Machine :: Street Fighting Man
Devo :: (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
U2 :: Radar Love
Sleater-Kinney :: White Rabbit
Ted Leo :: Dancing in the Dark
Soup Dragons :: I’m Free
The Cure :: Young Americans
Wilco :: Paranoid
World Party :: All the Young Dudes
Sheryl Crow :: Squeeze Box
The Stranglers :: All Day and All of the Night
The Hold Steady :: Against the Wind
Belle & Sebastian :: (Don’t Fear) The Reaper
Jay Farrar :: Like a Hurricane
Joe Jackson :: Oh Well
R.E.M. :: D.O.A.
The Pogues :: Honky Tonk Women
Oasis :: My Generation
Too jittery from contest excitement? Download the zip file and conserve that right-click energy.
These covers are interesting. Some are very true to the original, such as Jay Farrar’s “Like a Hurricane” and Joe Jackson’s “Oh Well.” Others, like Aztec’s Camera’s wonderful “Jump” (way before Nouvelle Vague and Richard Cheese) and Scissor Sisters’ “Comfortably Numb,” become an entirely different song.
I crack up every time I listen to R.E.M.’s "D.O.A." cover (performed at NYC’s Peppermint Lounge, Halloween 1983). As Michael says in the introduction, it’s probably the worst song ever written. It was my fav-o-rite song in eighth grade. Zandra Wonoski (didn’t every girl have a friend named Zandra in junior high?) and I thought we were so frickin’ cool listening to it — and I had the original and the live albums. Listening to the drumbeat slow as his heart slows and dies was just awesome … when you were thirteen in 1972.
I adore musicians who sing a lot of cover tunes — and Dave Grohl may win the prize as the most prolific and most brilliant. I have him covering everone from Creed and The Spice Girls to "Baker Street" and Prince — and I don’t spend much time searching for his songs. He’s so adorable. Show of hands of everyone who’s crushing on Grohl?
* * * * * *
Labels: covers, let’s forget about love, let’s rawk, mix tape, mix tape contest, MP3 links are for sampling only and are disabled after two weeks, rock, you could already be a winner
No contest for me; I'll leave it to your more qualified readers. But can I just say that you're psychic?! I was just thinking about that Soup Dragons song the other day and wondering where I could get it. Awesome!!
I love covers. I shared the list with my buddy who is a cover song authority. He says:
"She didn't include the Bangles "September Gurls", Dino Jr.'s "Just Like Heaven" or the Lemonheads' "Luka"; what what she thinking? (Let alone Matthew Sweet's live versions of "Magnet and Steel" and "Do Ya".)"
I always loved the Soup Dragons cover, although I don't love cover songs in general that much. I guess it depends on who's being covered and who's doing the covering.
I just sounded like Captain Obvious there.
Anyway, "Divine Thing" by the Soup Dragons is still one of my favorite underappreciated songs. I may have to post that video soon.
I will take a stab at the original artists WITHOUT Googling any.
I just used Google to make sure that I was right about the original singer of "Like a Hurricane." I was right. The only reason I was having problems is because the tune for John Hiatt's "Loving a Hurricane" keeps going through my head and I can't think of the other one!
There are 3 titles on this list giving me trouble. I'm gonna have to listen to the covers to maybe help me out. I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow when I have time to go on a downloading frenzy.
I wasn't alive in 1972, but I approve of your musical tastes. Bauhaus, oooaaah. Been a while since I heard that one. Nice mix.
In the same spirit, from a great collection of Cole Porter cover songs, here's Iggy Pop and Blondie singing Did You Evah?
"I hear they dismantled Pickfair."
Also: Something goes horribly wrong in the middle of Wilco's Paranoid. This static pop thing just made yelp at work.
My favorite cover may be Ivy's cover of the Cure's Let's Go to Bed. Seek it out if you haven't heard it.
I really heart cover songs, and I really really heart David Grohl! He was on The Hour a few months ago. T'was an excellent interview!
Very cool list. For the longest time I was convinced "Jump" actually was first written by Aztec Camera. But then a metal friend of mine in college corrected me.
Double damn your databitch. I just got home antsy to download, burn, and rock this list, but Ms. Popular has exceeded her recently expanded bandwidth. Santa just said sorry kids Can't open your presents till the 27th. As usual, this looks like an amazing collection. I'll just have to make do with the "doing it" mix. Hope your Friday is excellent.
Drat, Databitch is already overextended. Maybe tomorrow.
I heart heart heart cover songs, and I heart heart heart you!
That's a great list! I love Aztec Camera's version of Jump. It makes me want to wear polyester.
That's my kind of list!
Love me some Mr. Grohl. You should check out The Whigs if you haven't heard them. To my ears, they sound more like the Foo Fighters than the Foo Fighters do!
Wow Beth, Belle and Sebastian covered Don't Fear the Reaper? Talk about inconsistencies huh? I really look forward to hearing that one. But where are the Replacements? Their cover of Kiss' Black Diamond is primo and would have fit well with your theme. ;-) Your inclusion of Ted Leo more than makes up for that! (Look for his amazing version of Rush's Spirit of the Radio sometime.)
Amazing job as always Beth. You never fail to impress and amaze!
I love the scissor sisters. This is a kick ass contest. Naive moment for Katie... I had no idea anyone dared cover stairway to heaven. Live and learn, child.
I love covers, and I can't wait to listen to these. I finally remembered to pop over here early enough in the a.m. before all the bandwidth has run out of the can. But, drat, now I've got to go to work. Oh, well. I know what I'll be doing tonight.
Cool old-school rockin' list. And of course, the Foo Fighters are the most awesome band ever! (Now I'm off to check out The Whigs, per kim's suggestion.)
What I want to know is... have you uploaded all of your CDs to iTunes? And, if so, how long did that take?
Wow, ya go away for a weekend and a contest breaks out! I shall have to hunker down and win this thing!
And I definitely must check out the Belle and Sebastian and the Buzzcocks offerings.
*Gasp* Is it too late to join the contest? Co-producing with you would be a dream come true. :)
Thanks for being the first commenter on my blog. I love this list, as I am somewhat of a cover junkie. BTW, there is a new t-shirt tuesday post, and YES this time I did include a photo
I can only get about half of these off the top of my head. Is internet research allowed? I've mentioned my love of covers in the past, but I'm unfamiliar with many of these, excellent.
This is funny-- I've been working on a post about covers that I love. Great minds think alike. Or is it sick minds...
Katie - there is an Aussie album, called Stairways to Heaven, that is entirely made up of covers of Stairway to Heaven.
In fact, in trying to find a link to show you that album, I have unearthed a site with 101 versions!
mountjoy, the site is spectacular, freakin incredible!
Beth, I love Dave Grohl's
"instrumental" - too much. Fund contest, I hope I win. I 've been daydreaming about what I'd do for a theme - latin is very my style
...alas fingers and toes are crossed.
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