Why I Love San Francisco: Reason #42

Proposed George W. Bush Sewage Plant makes ballot
Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — A measure seeking to commemorate President Bush's years in office by slapping his name on a San Francisco sewage plant has qualified for the November ballot.
The measure certified Thursday would rename the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.
Supporters say the idea is to commemorate the mess they claim Bush has left behind by actions such as the war in Iraq.
Local Republicans say the plan stinks and they will oppose it.
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Labels: good thing I left my heart there, Reason #7 - Write Procrascinator lives there, San Francisco
My kind of comedy!
"Local Republicans say it stinks"
Huh Huh - good one!
That is damn funny!
I'm never going there so I don't ever have to learn how much I'd love it.
You will be pleased to note that my fair city is also planning to name a specialty waste disposal facility after another great American. The Dick Cheney disposable douche landfill will be dedicated in September. It is next to the Karl Rove Colon blow runoff pond.
This is just beyond awesome. Really. I'm moving to San Francisco if this measure passes.
I'm so glad to hear this is making the ballot!
I heard about this on the CBC the other day and the man being interviewed said something to the effect that this can also serve as a notice to future presidents - do a good job running the country and you will get a bridge or a school named after you, otherwise you will get something that suits your contribution.
Haha ;->
Can we also revoke the names "Reagan" and "Bush" for airports?
I'm so going there
San Francisco is way cool. If I could afford to, I'd move there in a hearbeat, earthquakes and all.
The eldest of W.P.'s daughters has been living there for almost two years now and has found her home. We get to visit and we love going!
This news made me gleeful. All four of my daughters are jumping for joy over this!
"Reason #7 Write Procrastinator lives there"
Yeah, well he's a flake and a blog-killer, so I'd avoid him at all costs.
Brilliant! SF staying true to their roots. Love it.
I suddenly wish I was in San Francisco... just so I could vote.
[in favor, of course]
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