My sister and brother-in-law just got back from London, where they had a fabulous (but wallet-draining) time. They went out one night and rubbed elbows with celebrities. My sister used to hang with some actors during her L.A. days — but I didn’t realize they were A-listers.
Brother-in-law and Samuel L. Jackson engaged in an intense conversation, possibly discussing the meaning of Ezekiel 25:17.

My (married) sister seems a little too familiar with Sean …
… even taking a sip of Connery’s cocktail.
My brother-in-law gets his flirt on with his beloved Susan Sarandon …

… but scores with fellow CHS grad Julia Roberts.

My sister helps Tom Jones get ready for the floor show.

The brother-in-law has Spielberg’s attention. Expect a sweeping epic about high-school football referees next Christmas.

I have no idea what’s going on here. Appears my sister is breathing life into the we-thought-he-was-dead Bob Marley.

If you’re headed to London, go here to party with the glitteratti.
* * * * * *
Labels: family, no doubt alcohol was involved, someone please grab the blue eye shadow from Julia's makeup bag, they have too much fun together, waxing nostalgic about Madame Tussauds
You know, if you hadn't had Sean Connery in there twice in the same position, it would have looked pretty real. Sam Jackson looks genuine.
Ditto, Landru--I was buying it until that second Connery shot. But Sarandon looks real (and real hot!), as does Tom Jones.
I have a pic of my dad next to Fred Sanford and Archie Bunker--his favorite TV shows when I was a kid--from the wax museum in L.A. Good times.
see---i JUST went to madame tussauds like three weeks ago.
nice work though.
I think wax sculptures are creepy.
Wow that Sean Connery sure doesn't seem to like your sister too much. His expression doesn't even change! It's like he's made of wax or something.
They should have had the wax sculpture of Tom Jones next to the real Tom Jones and see if people could guess which was which. I'm a TJ fan from way back, but he has been looking kind of ripe over the past few years.
This is so funny. The picture of Page with Sean… that look on his face is, “Who is this crazy lady and what is she trying to do to me?” He looks like he is afraid to make a move in any direction. “SECURITTTTTTY” They look almost real, kind of like Joan Rivers.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of the gang.
That Tom Jones is spookily-real looking. I mean creepy.
Hi Beth! I'm visiting from Coffeypot's blog. Noticed the coffey parallel and was just being nosey. Fun post - !
Havea great Thanksgiving! xxoo
LOL...you had me going for a minute there. Sean Connery....MMMmmm Baby!
Happy Thanksgiving, Beth!
A friend of mine worked with Samuel L. Jackson, and kept referring to him as "Sam." Finally, we called him on it, and he pointed out: "If you were talking to him, which would be weirder - 'Sam' or 'Samuel L. Jackson?'"
Also, sadly, I believe that's the real John Travolta behind Sam, because that's the best gig he's been offered in years.
I would have slapped Julia Roberts. The wax one, not the real one.
The waxworks at Madame T's are so well crafted, I wonder how long their sculptors train in order to make them look so realistic. I went there as a kid and had fun watching people ask the wax security guard for directions or other information. Those Brits have a wicked sense of humor.
O.K. I fell for the Samuel L. Jackson big time (adore him - especially Red Violin) and felt a twinge of jealousy. Moved on to first Sean Connery and thought,"He does not look well." THEN, the second Sean Connery and I woke up and caught on...however, what I CANNOT figure out is, in the black and white coat, who is that BLONDE??
HA! Had me for a moment too.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I really thought that was Sam Jackson! But they didn't do Julia any favors. She looks nuts.
oh boy! You almost had me fooled with that first picture ... until I saw Travola looking like a, um, wax figure in the background.
Happy Thanksgiving Beth!
Well, you know, the Bobster did do a lot of drugs, maybe his diaphragm was paralized or somethin'....
Beth, I love it when you wax rhapsodic.
Hmmmmmm. A different sort of Hot Wax on C-o-C for a change...
(hands up all those who miss the joy of a great 12" square of art that used to accompany every muscial offering? Of course The Beatles and Spinal Tap did get a bit lazy at one point...)
It's official. One of these days, I WILL kill pistols. At dawn.
By the way, I think your sister is trying to catch a contact buzz from the rastaman.
They all look like they've had a bit of work done.
I'm not sure I could visit that Madame... a little too lifelike for my comfort zone.
Wait a minute...Samuel Jackson looked real to me. When I got to Sean Connery I said to myself, he looks a little waxy...SNAP, it's a wax museum...Cool!
Julia looks likes she had melted a bit.
that is a riot. Do you believe how real they look?!?! plotzarella.
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