Cups and Coasters
While my Hillary dream was a fascinating moment to share, it was really a chance to stretch my typing muscles, to tone up, to get back in shape for this bragging post.
I, blogging lads and lasses, spent Tuesday evening with beloved blog vivant Coaster Punchman.

CP was in town on business, and I selfishly didn’t share that news with local bloggers (sorry, cuz). Since hotels were booked all over the downtown and midtown areas, he stayed a hotel in my neighborhood.
Mr. Punchman has posted his memories of the evening. Be sure to read his post; he remembers more about the evening than I do. And his includes more adventure.In theory, it was going to be a perfect evening to introduce CP to the ATL. A couple of cocktails al fresco, then a two-hour cruise driving around the city, topping the evening with dinner at a neighborhood restaurant James Bearded for its twist on Southern cuisine.
In reality … well, plans are made to be broken, right? Especially when that grapefruit margarita is as tasty as it sounded on the menu. So, yeah, we made it for the cocktail or two … which I think ended up being five. Five divine margaritas. And no driving cruise around my lovely hometown.
Note to self: Always carb up at lunch for cocktailing. An empty stomach does not appreciate tequila.Tequila is my Kryptonite. I know my limit: four, no more. After that, things get fuzzy, ugly, confusing. Last time I went the full five dive, three summers ago, I ended up kissing my (female) friend in the parking lot. CP was spared that, but he did have one damn drunk dinner date. Whose shoe broke at some point, which added to her drunken, staggering charm.
But the conversation was fantastic. It’s liberating when you meet a blogger. You’ve never seen his face, never heard his voice — but you know his personality, interesting pieces of his life. Ice breakers aren’t needed. Dishing and spilling come easily. So did the cocktails — and thus I've spent the last two days thinking of more questions to ask and stories to tell. I think CP needs to come to Atlanta regularly.
CP is more charming and handsomer than I expected. Funny, smart, interesting, irreverent. We gossiped about the bloggers we love, gossiped about ourselves. I’m sorry he’s moving across the country before I get to NYC. Poor George should be called Lucky George.
In summary:
• Coaster Punchman is adorable.
• Embarrassing hangover has passed, but my big toes are bloodily stubbed.
• Grapefruit margaritas are awesome.
• I plan to go cocktail-free ... until Sunday's bottomless mimosas brunch, that is.
* * * * * *
Labels: beloved bloggers, blog vivant, blogger meet-up, Coaster Punchman, tequila is my Kryptonite
You and CP are both adorable. I wish I could have shared your mutual company
and some of those drinks.
This is the first ATL-based story I've ever read that didn't involve either Jermaine Dupri or a strip club.
I do believe I am pouting. Yes. Yes I am.
So frakkin jealous...
Sounds like an absolute blast@
p.s. I know what you mean about tequila (and ouzo, for that matter)
What I want to say most is that I am very glad you are OK! I will be blogging very soon about how ungentlemanly I was to let you stumble off into the dark night unescorted after returning me to the hotel. If it makes you feel any better I didn't even know how damn drunk I was until I got back to my room and called George. I was so incoherent he just about hung up on me. In fact I believe he did hang up on me.
Anyway, every nice thing you said about me here goes right back atya 10-fold! Thanks for a GREAT evening!
I love cocktails al fresco, I wouldn't have moved on either. Grapefruit margaritas? Have to try those, tequila is my friend. so nice to check in on Friday and here you are!
Did you name Maggie after _Cat on a Hot Tin Roof_? I had roommates in college who got a cat and named her Maggie and didn't understand why I thought that was funny. Our Maggie was black, too.
Sounds like good clean fun.
As I said over on CP's blog, I'm jealous (that goes without saying) but it sounds like an awesome night! Glad everyone ended up alive at the end!
CP is a fun guy. But grapefruit margarita do not sound as fun.
I just noticed the photo, Coaster looks like George Clooney from and your tease photos...
Five margaritas? I'm impressed! I wouldn't have made it past three. All night. I like tequila, but am usually rocking the Peter Buck bevvy of choice - red wine :P fewer carbs than the mixers that go with the tequila! I 'spose I could just do shots!
How're the toes?
Sorry 'bout the sandals.
I could have matched you both drink for drink however I would need a bottle of tums as a centerpiece.
sounds like you two had a blast!
I love when CP gets drunk. And now that I know that you're a quasi-lesbian when YOU get drunk, we really should meet soon.
Drunken blog meetups are even more awesome than drunken blogging!
You both have adorable head backs.
CP is just about my favorite person on the planet; glad you got a chance to meet him. (Have I ever blogged about how I used to be SO in love with him when I was 18? Now you know why)
Is it a virtual, it can't be, you're blogging again! And you met ***, too?! What a comeback!
Next time give me a buzz. I'll be the designated drive.
Wow, what a star-studded comeback. This is WAY better than Britney's comeback. Especially with the CP and the girl-kissing and the grapefruit 'ritas. Yum.
Welcome home!
Cups and Coasters. 2 words, nuff said. You should be getting filthy rich writing copy on Madison Avenue.
you know all the cool people
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