The adorable
BeckEye and the sizzlin’-hot
Lulu both tapped me with this grand honor:

You don't know how thrilling it is for me to know that someone enjoys reading my ramblings on all things R.E.M., my music musings, my life's adventures. Having two people I admire tap me for a blog honor sends me into tickled giggles. And now I get to tap five worthy women.
Several of my blogging idols — including
Tenacious S,
Barbara Bruederlin, and everyone’s favorite MILF,
Tanya Espanya — have already basked in the pink glory. There are plenty of blogging chicks who deserve the pink banner. Since I was doubly tapped, I’m cheating and bending the rules to tap six, not five:
Barista Brat was my first blog buddy. I feel like she’s my little sister. Her posts are consistently the best written, most entertaining ones I read regularly. Her life has taken some exciting turns lately and thus she’s not blogging as much, so I satisfy my cravings by rereading the Brat classics. I can’t start my day without a nonfat latte/extra shot, and I can’t start my day without her words. She’ll be published one day … and I’m going to loudly shout that I knew her when.
Katie Schwartz is that girlfriend you love spending hours with, drinking way too many cosmopolitans and spilling your juiciest dirt. She knows how to find laughter in the silliest, the naughtiest, the most painful memories. And, damn, she’s just plain f*cking funny. Tits to the nth degree, Jewgirl!
Gizmorox defines “rocking” — from her recent lyrics quizzes, to her extensive knowledge of and passion for indie music, to the way she can make an everyday incident funny and snarky and dead-on. Boys, I’ve met the girl, and she’s a cutie, too.

Mellowlee: a classy dame with a lovely heart. She went through hell earlier this year, and handled it with grace. I gained a lot of respect for her during that time. And, the Beloved Ex has had a crush on her since the
Little Miss Sunshine online pageant.
Chelene is one of the girls I want to hang with if I ever make that move to NYC. She brings New York City to life for me. She's funny, a music and gossip lover, and she has excellent taste, even when shopping under the influence. And, c’mon, who doesn’t love those pigtails?
The Girl with Moxie is a newbie to my blog world, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know her. I’m dying to pepper her with all sorts of questions. Moxie's an intriguing one. She’s smart, she’s interesting, and she’s a damn good writer. There’s a lot going on behind that cape.
If you haven’t read any of the blogs I've listed, click over today. Well worth wasting those precious work hours.
* * * * * *
Labels: awards, beloved bloggers, chicks rule, what an honor to be grouped with these women
Firstly congratulations on the recognition of your supreme rockingness! You do rock everybody's world.
I'm looking forward to visiting your worthy nominees and saying howdy.
Aww! I feel so special! Thanks! :)
Such awesome excellent bloggy ladies!
Congratulations, you rockin blogger chick ... or something.
My cat Lulu got one of these as well! You are in excellent company!
When I read the phrase "basked in the pink glory" a little shiver ran down my spine. Thank you for enlivening an otherwise boring Monday.
Seriously, though, what a great bunch of gals so far! You do seriously rock, each and every one of you.
p.s. I've been shopping under the influence with Chelene! We took the Virgin Megastore by storm. It was as much fun as you would expect. :)
BARBARA: Be sure to visit them; all six write great blogs.
GIZMOROX: You're very welcome; you deserve it.
TANYA: Aren't they great? Congrats to you, too.
DAN: Now I'm really flattered.
BUBS: I like to sneak in the semi-naughties on occasion to make sure y'all are paying attention. Be sure to click and congratulate!
GIZMOROX: I'm so jealous!
And now I get to tap five worthy women...
That line takes me all the way back to Burning Man 1999.
Both you and I are in good company. Did you know that I got an Honorary Rockin' Girl Blogger award?
It's true. ROFL!!
Wow, thank you so much! (bows and nods)
I've been a Cup lurker for a long time, truth be told. It's only been in the last few weeks that I came out of the shadows. I believe in supporting great writers and you are definitely one of them.
Oh, as for your questions, ask away! I love talking about me!
Kewl post. (Shakes head, can't believe I spelled cool like that) Where was I? Oh yes, nice post. I think I've stumbled across most of the blogs you listed. They all muy bueno. Hey you should make a list of rocking guy bloggers. That would be cool.
I would tap you with that grand honor as well.
BLOG PORTLAND: I hope you didn't leave with something else burning ...
DAN: Good for you! A man should always be in touch with his feminine side.
MOXIE: We have a lovely mutual-admiration society going, don't we? I'll start on that list of questions, Moxie.
ARTFUL DODGER: There is a Rockin' Guy Bloggers award out there, but my lack of the Y chrome null and voids me. However, if Dan can score a chick one, maybe ...
GRANT MILLER: I'm flattered, Mr. Miller.
Jewgirl is the single reason why I returned to heterosexuality from a long sojourn into isosexuality.
Tanya is the reason I bother with sex at all.
Chelene's hair part gives me the horn it does.
bethy, I love that you won this! you are so the hot rockin' girl blogger.
I am totally honored and grateful that you even considered my blog, and to be in the company of such goddess bloggers. please, I'm plotzing and kvelling.
oooh, thank you!!!
This is why we rock, this is why we rock, this is why this is why this is why we rock...
Are you going to thank all the little lurkers who made this moment possible?
*gets the giggles* Thanks Beth for saying such wonderful things *HUGS!* You truly rock g/f!! :O)
RHETORICALLY STERCULIAN: Jewgirl is a saint, ain't she? So are the rest of my girls.
JEWGIRL: Plotz and kvell away, doll; you deserve it. And you should hear those words roll off my Southern tongue!
BECKEYE: We so damn rock.
GIFTED TYPIST: Absolutely! It was very hard not tapping more of y'all.
MELLOWLEE: Back atcha, doll.
Beth, I'm flattered - thanks so much! It's been great reading your blog and getting to know you. I'm waiting with bated breath for you to visit NYC. Oh, the fun we will have! If I could only get you and Giz here at the same time...the possibilities are endless!
thank you so much!
but honestly, i hope to one day rock as hard as you!
btw - is that a new maupin tales of the city book? or is it a collection of chapters?
Some great choices there beth, I read most of those lovely ladies regularly. did i manage not to read bliss and bile before? i think i am in love.
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