
I am not the reason why David Duchovny checked into that sex-addict rehab clinic. But he’s going to be in town next month shooting a movie, so maybe I can work in a relapse.
Since I posted last week's not-so-juicy gossip morsel, Sitemeter has informed me that the blog has had several West Coast hits — from Los Angeles and Seattle, Portland and San Francisco — via this Google phrase:
coffey duchovny
Methinks Duchovny’s looking for me. And a relapse.I feel a bit guilty, though. I loved Tea Leoni in Ghost Town — and, well, in anything she does — so I’d hate to cause her heartache.
But. He’s been on my Top 5 lists since 1995 … so suck it, Bree Sharp!
* * * * * *
Labels: David Duchovny why don’t you love me, free MP3 for my readers, he can chomp my apples, hotties, Top 5
We wont judge you Beth, so go throw him down on the ground and have your way!
You know, there's an excellent opportunity for some cash on th' side if you get a Webcam...
...Just sayin'.
I would be lying if I said that I read the title of this post and goofed around doing other things first. I headed over just a quick as I could, only to find you contemplating a fling with Mr Duchovny.
I must say I'm all for it, as long as you follow a few simple guidelines: Take him on the exact same date you had with Coaster Punchman, have him call Coaster on his cell phone for advice, and then walk him to his hotel where you can continue his therapy in private, and don't break a shoe this time. Honestly, what Mr. Duchovny needs right now is a friend; a friend with a sense of Southern Hospitality and a ready.....ear. I'm sure you can help him with what ails him, as you have a kind heart, brilliant conversatioal skills, and a ready....ear.
Tell us all how it turns out. And this time, take more photos!
Does this mean you'll be too busy to make St George?
maybe you and Mr. Duchovny can investigate a new xxx-files mystery.
The man has a serious problem so be sensitive...mind you the trouble might be his problem is attraction to sensitive women...hmmm, well fuck him and feed him Wheaties, cuz you only go 'round once.
Please break them up, because I'd like a shot or two at her. It'd only take like 30 seconds.
He is so yummy
So let me get this straight, you are saying that he is in that clinic for his Coffey-addiction? Dammit, I knew the tabloids had it all wrong!
I will never ever ever get the appeal of David Duchovny. Never. Ever.
I know what you mean. I felt really bad about George Clooney breaking up with his girlfriend for me.
Tell him that you're Alicia Monet and he'll see you immediately as long as Tea Leoni isn't around.
I must admit Mr. Duchovny is dreamy, even I think so and I'm a guy. I just don't understand the sex-addict problem. How can that be a problem? j/k
Damned Cormac, stole my comment!
But so many of us have Coffey addictions. There is nothing for David to be ashamed of
What? It's NOT a new drink at 'Bux?
Tell you what, let's partner up. While you have your way the David, I'll entertain Tea Leoni :)
I always thought that Coffey Duchovny was some fancy Russian caffeine beverage, but hey if it gets you some sugar with Mulder, go for it, girl!
Perhaps it was David himself... I think celebrities Google themselves more than we realize... I'm convinced Amanda Palmer left me an anonymous comment once.
I too volunteer to keep Tea entertained. I loved her in "Deep Impact" -- how's THAT for proof of my love?!
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