Things with Favorite Boy are going relatively well. He lives a few states away, but I get to see him regularly. (Not as much as I’d like, of course. Damn fricking long-distance romances.) He’s funny, and kind, and smart, and naughty. We’re having a good time — I want to keep it that way — so I passed a rule that we cannot talk about Where This Is Going until at least the end of this month. I want to enjoy Phase One as long as I can. And, although I'm a girl, I really don't enjoy The Big Talks.
But Favorite Boy broke the rule, bringing up a serious relationship topic the other night, one that kept us talking into the wee hours of the morning.
The topic that broke the rule? Our Freebie Fives.
I love talking about my Freebie Fives. There’s something wonderful about fantasizing and objectifying men. Here’s the problem: Every time I think I’ve settled on those lucky five and head to the card-laminating shop, I think of someone else I wanna get all freebie with.
Help me, kids. Help me anoint the boys worth a throw-down.
Here’s my list so far:
1. Bruce Campbell
2. David Duchovny
3. open slot
4. open slot
5. open slot
Three open slots. And who’s in contention for the coveted three through five? These lovelies (listed alphabetically to avoid jealousies):
Anthony Bourdain
Peter Buck
Michael Chabon
George Clooney
Johnny Depp
Jeffrey Donovan
Colin Firth
Tom Glavine
Hugh Grant
Jon Hamm
John Krazinski
David Letterman
Ewan McGregor
Chris Noth
Keith Olbermann
Clive Owen
Paul Rudd
Nick Simmons
Convince me. Throw some pros and cons on these tasty male-morsels in the comment box.
Who made Favorite Boy’s Freebie Five list? He has three definites — Jennifer Aniston, Liz Phair, and Laura Linney — which make sense, since they look a lot like me.
And, yeah, I
think I’m back. Some great stories to tell — including finally checking off one of my Before I Dies last weekend — so come back in the coming days.
Photo credit: The lovely and talented Str8jacket* * * * * *
Labels: breaking the rules for the important things, e-disappearances, Favorite Boy, Freebie Five, hotties, Top 5