Selig launches steroid investigation
CNN Breaking News: Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig announces former U.S. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell to head probe of steroid use in baseball.
How happy I was to read that e-mail this afternoon! I hate Barry Bonds, and I hope they kick him out of the game. I can’t stand his “it’s all about me, not the team” attitude. He was cute back in his Pirates days, but he’s a bulked-up freak now. I keep watching for an arm to rip off during a homerun swing, like a Monty Python skit; wouldn’t that be cool?
It ticks me off that Bond is just six or seven homers away from breaking Babe Ruth’s record. That big fat cheater (notice how skillfully I’m using sports lingo) is getting much too close breaking to Hank Aaron’s record. And that will be a dark day for me.
Hank Aaron broke Babe’s record fair and square. He didn’t shoot himself up with a cocktail of steroids and banned substances. He played for years, he chased the record, he earned each of those 755 homeruns. And he's a good guy — he still loves the game, and he gives a lot to his community.
Hank Aaron is one of my all-time heroes. As a kid in Atlanta in 1966, you couldn’t help but love that first Atlanta Braves team: Hank Aaron and Felipe Alou, Joe Torre and Rico Carty, Eddie Mathews and Clete Boyer. Felipe Alou was my personal favorite back then, but Hammerin’ Hank was the king — and still is. (In fact, if I ever decide to buy a BMW, I’m buying it from Hank.)
Please, Mr. Selig and Mr. Mitchell, please ban Barry Bonds from baseball. Let him join Pete Rose in baseball limbo.
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