I’m a single woman. Never married, never had children. But I haven’t regretted not having children because I’ve been blessed with the greatest niece and nephew (my brother’s kids). We’ve been close since they were born, and they have more than filled that gap.
Today’s is Lauren’s 19th birthday, so today’s post is all about her (Matthew, we’ll get to you later this summer).
Lauren has grown to be an amazing woman. She’s very smart, strong, opinionated, and funny. She has no fear, and lives her life to the fullest. Life will never be easy for her because she’s always going to take the harder road. And I think that’s one of the cool things about Lauren. Her life is going to be one big adventure.

Music plays as large a part of Lauren’s life, as it does in my life. Like me, she’s interested in all types of music — and, like me, she has a brain filled with music trivia that she feels she must share with everyone. We’ve seen some great concerts in the last few years — Prince, with Morris Day & The Time … David Bowie, with Stereophonics … Rilo Kiley, with The Brunettes. We’re going to see Beck next month.
Her friends are as important to her as her family, and she has a great group of friends.
Anna, Lauren and Hannah, at today's birthday celebration
Lauren and I have always had great times together, ever since she was a toddler. We share a lot of interests — music, art, movies, great earrings. I'm lucky that I get to spend a lot of time with her.
Our first trip to the Woodruff Arts Center (1988)
She’s become one of my favorite people to tour the High with. We first took her to the museum when she was in grammar school, to see the Matisse exhibit. We try to go about once a year these days. She has great insights about the art, and I love hearing her thoughts about the work.
At my desk during Bring Your Daughter to Work Day (1998)
My 40th birthday celebration, with Lauren, Matt and my Elvis cake
Lauren’s a great travel companion. We went to London, Paris and southwest France in 2001. Lauren and I were roomies in London and Paris, and had fun wandering the streets and taking in the sites.
On top of Arc du Triomph, in Paris (June 2001)
With Mom and OM in Mimizan, France (June 2001)
With Matthew in Biarritz, France (June 2001)
We went to Savannah for Mom’s birthday in January — Paige, Lauren, Mom and me. It was a great weekend, and we’re lucky that the grandmother, granddaughter and two aunts can spend a girls’ weekend together.
During Mom’s birthday trip to Savannah (January 2006)
Lauren is a beautiful, amazing woman. She’ll always be interesting, and I can’t wait to see where life takes her.
With Mom and OM at her baccalaureate service (May 2005)
Lauren and Mom are headed to Italy on Saturday. Can't wait to hear about those adventures!
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Labels: family